Thursday 18 March 2010

Why are French women slim?

I often get asked this question: why are French women slim?

Well, being French and having worked in the Channel Islands for many years, I think I can now answer the question: SNACKING is the answer!!

My English colleagues always came to work with a Latte in one hand and a snack in the other. Mid-morning one person was going round the office taking orders for some bacon butties. About 12ish another colleague was in charge of taking orders for, this time, the Chinese or Indian take-away across the road.

In the afternoon around 3pm, another round was organized for snacks, usually chocolate bars, sweet drinks (full of sugar!) and the Jersey Evening Post.
Between the above meals and snacks, I have to mention the several packets of crisps and biscuits that my colleagues were eaten. Food could be seen or smelt all day long between 9am and 5pm! I felt like I was working in a coffee shop all day!

In France, people have breakfast at home and not on the way to work. The lunch is usually a 3 course meal sitting at a table and not rushing from one shop to another eating a sandwich on the way.

I think having a proper breakfast and lunch definitely stop you from snacking all day.

Different countries, different culture, but in my opinion the ‘not-snacking’ is the reason why French women are slimmer!

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