Tuesday 10 January 2012

The day of the operation

If you are about to have an operation in a French hospital, you will need to fill in a few forms. Here is what the forms will say:

You agree to follow the surgeon and anaesthetist’s advise:

Follow a diet a few days before the operation

Don’t eat, drink or smoke before the operation

Remove all earrings (boucles d'oreilles), jewellery (bijoux), piercing.

Don’t wear nail varnish (vernis à ongles), nor make up (maquillage)

You will need to have a shower at home the night before the operation and the morning of the operation using a special shower gel prescribed by your surgeon (Hibiscrub for example). Sleep in clean sheets and wear clean cloths the day of the operation.

If you follow a treatment, your anaesthetist will tell you if you can take your tablets or not.

After the operation:

You can’t eat, drink or smoke without the nurse’s authorisation.

On departure as you won’t be able to drive for 24 hours, ensure someone is picking you up or arrange for a taxi to take you home.

If you live alone, ask someone to stay over night with you once you get home.

By signing the forms you will also agree to say you are fully aware of the risks of the anaesthetics.

See my previous post about the appointment with the anaesthetist here.

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