Pancakeday in France was Tuesday 2nd February this year. You know when it is coming as all the supermarkets in France start selling pancake pans and all the ingredients to make the pancakes (crêpes) about 2 weeks prior to La Chandeleur ! On Pancake Day some shops make “crêpes” for their customers! Even our local DIY shop in Evran! I must say if you don’t eat crêpes in Brittany, where else would you eat some?! Brittany is famous for their “crêpes” and “galettes” (savory pancakes made with buckwheat flour).
I make my pancake mix without measuring using fresh milk (very creamy!) from the farm down the road and the free range eggs from our little chickens. As it is cold at the moment our chickens don’t produce many eggs but luckily my friend Debbie share her surplus of eggs with me! Her chickens are a lot more productive than ours. She hasn’t told me yet her secret for her productivity!
Here is a recipe for the pancake mix:
• 250 g de farine (flour)
• 3 oeufs (eggs)
• 1/2 paquet de levure (half packet of backing powder)
• 1 pincée de sel (pinch of salt)
• 1/2 litre de lait (1/2 litre of milk)
• 3 cuillères à soupe d'eau (3 spoons of water)
• 3 oeufs (eggs)
• 1/2 paquet de levure (half packet of backing powder)
• 1 pincée de sel (pinch of salt)
• 1/2 litre de lait (1/2 litre of milk)
• 3 cuillères à soupe d'eau (3 spoons of water)
I like pancakes with home-made jam (loganberry jam is my favorite) or chocolate spread (I guess you know which one I mean!). Looking at a British calendar Shrove Tuesday is next week and as my partner Chris is British I will have to make some more next week! Any excuse to eat pancakes….
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