If you are about to have an operation under local or general anaesthetics (anesthésie locale ou générale) in France, the surgeon will ask you to organise a meeting with an anaesthetist a week prior the operation.
A file with be given to you and will have all sorts of information regarding the operation:
The special diet you may have to follow before the operation, a prescription of tablets you may need to take, etc. You will also have to fill in some forms. We like forms and paperwork in France!!
One is about the existing treatment(s) you may have. The surgeon needs to know what tablets you are taking. You will also have to list the previous operations you have had – if any.
Take this file with you when you meet the anaesthetist (anesthésiste). She or he will go through the list of previous operations or / and tablets with you and will answer any questions you may have regarding the operation. Another file (livret d'accueil) will be given to you to read and bring back the day of the operation. Some more reading!
You then have to book your bedroom for the day of the operation, visit the 'pré-admission'. Even if you are only there for a small operation, you will have to book a bedroom. You can ask for a phone line or a TV.
The sea view option is not available at Dinan hospital!
Don’t forget to bring your passport, Carte Vitale and if you have top up insurance (Mutuelle), bring the “attestation’ with you.
The anaesthetist’s fee is €28 (January 2012). It may vary according to the area.
If you require help with filling forms and paperwork, please contact me here.
See my post about the day of the operation.