Tuesday, 23 February 2016

International Festival of the Young Fashion Designers of Dinan

For the first time, Dinan will host the International Festival of the Young Fashion Designers on  15, 16 and 17 April 2016. I will write more about this festival when the press releases more information!

Après une première édition à Saint-Malo, vingt autres à Dinard, c'est à Dinan que le festival international des jeunes créateurs soufflera ses 22 bougies, en avril 2016.

Monday, 22 February 2016

Learn to prune roses in a chateau in Brittany

Learn to prune roses at Château de la Ballue in Brittany on 3rd Marsh 2016.
80 euros per person lunch included.

For more information and to book please follow this link here.

See original image

Wednesday, 17 February 2016

Another online scam

I have just received this email:


Le paiement de votre commande pour un compte PREMlUM a été accepté (référence 1917516 - MP). Ceci est d'ores et déjà visible sur votre compte. Pour rappel le montant total est de 158 euros via 2 paiements de 79 euros. Le premier paiement a été validé. Le prochain interviendra dans 3 mois. Ce compte premium est un compte semestriel. Il sera donc reconduit automatiquement tous les 6 mois. Vous pouvez arrêter à tout moment votre compte par simple demande.

Concernant la possibilité de souscrire à des services optionnels, je vous invite à contacter notre numéro afin de demander un code vous donnant la possibilité à des services en 0ption.

Par téléphone :
Service 2,99 € / appel
+ prix appel
Ouvert du lundi au Samedi de 09h00 à 21h00.

Nous nous tenons à votre entière disposition pour répondre à vos demandes,

Caroline Morin
Conseillère pour vos accès en ligne 

You think it is a refund, but it is not. If you ever get an email asking you to call a 089 number, just delete it. It is a scam (arnaque en ligne)
The call is going to cost you a lot of money!

Monday, 15 February 2016

Music festival this Saturday near Dinan

Several bands are playing live this Saturday in St André des Eaux:
Cupif Band
DJ Krooger
€7 per person.
St André des Eaux is 10 min South of Dinan, in Brittany. 

Dinner and dance organised by the Pompiers


Tuesday, 9 February 2016

TNT channels becoming HD on 5th April 2016

TNT is going digital on 5th April 2016 in France.
What will change:
If you live in France and watch TNT channels though your modem then there won’t be any changes for you.
If you receive the TNT channels using cable or satellite, you might have to buy a ‘decodeur’.
If you use an aerial, the aerial must be HD compatible.
Your TV also must be of course HD compatible.

It looks like the sales of TV will increase from beginning of April in France! 

The Group Heat Wave in concert near Evran

Centre Le Page in Le Quiou near Dinan in Brittany will be hosting their first Soirée with the amazing six-piece soul/funk (James Brown etc) band from Brittany ‘HEAT WAVE’ at a great price of 12,50€ with dinner and dessert and obviously dancing included. 

To book please contact:
Centre Le Page, 19 Place de l'Eglise, 22630 Le Quiou, France +33 (0)2 96 80 31 13 centrelepage@gmail.com

Le Labo in Dinan

If you are a keen musician and if you are looking for a place to rehearse and record a CD Le Labo in Dinan is the place for you.
Free concerts are also given on a regular basis.

See this site for more information here.