If you have a gite in France or any other income you might have received this tax: Prélèvements sociaux.
Here is the
procedure to pay your Prélèvements sociaux online.
Visit this web
site here.
your Numéro Fiscal. You will find it on your Avis (tax) under Vos Références.
Click on Continuer
Payer en
Enter your Reference. Again you will find it on your Avis (tax) under Vos Références and Référence de l'avis.
You can modify the amount by clicking on '
Modifier le
If you have
already paid this tax online your bank details will be showing. You can change them by
clicking on :
Modifier les coordonnées bancaires.
Enter your email
address twiced.
Click on Confimer
Within seconds you will get a confirmation by email. Keep this email for now. It is the proof that you have paid your tax online.
Click on 'Retour'
Then 'Quitter'.
It is paid!
Today (15th November) is the deadline!
Please drop me a line if you think this message was useful.
If you have any other queries regarding tax, paperwork or translation, contact me, i would be happy to help.