You can pay the
taxe d'habitation online prior to 20th December for holiday homes. You are now to late if you reside in France (the deadline was 15/20th Nov).
See on your tax (avis d'imposition) the different reference numbers (numéro fiscal, Référence de l'avis, etc) and the web site. It is rather straight-forward.
Follow this link
Click on:
Click on « Payer en
ligne »
Numéro fiscal : enter your fiscal number which
you will find on your income tax form or any other taxes
Click on “Payer en ligne”
Enter the reference number of the tax you are
(référence de l’avis)
You will
have to enter your French bank details. Once the tax is paid you will receive an
email confirming your payment. Keep it for your records.
Please note you won't be able to pay your tax online once you have missed the deadline.
More information
Please send me an email
here if you require assistance with paying your taxe d'habitation online or after the deadline.